
Graduating University: One Year On

Nottingham, UK
Technically, it's been a year, four months and 27 days. That's if we're being precise. But we all know that wouldn't be such a good title.

In fact, I wasn't quite sure what to name this post as it's basically just me rambling on about graduating and still figuring out what I want to do with my life.

I was planning on writing this post a bit nearer to the one year mark but I was travelling Asia so I didn't get round to it.

And so here I am, finally sitting down to write about my life post graduation.

graduating university one year on


In a Nutshell: November 2017

Well, it's safe to say it's certainly getting a little chilly and I don't think it's even officially winter yet. But, oh boy, has the temperature dropped. 

And so we enter the final month of 2017. I'm not going to tell you how I can't believe it's nearly 2018 or talk about the year. That's to be saved for a post all about 2017. For now, I'm going to tell you about what I got up to in November. 


1. University reunion

Well, not quite a university reunion but a night out with some uni friends who I haven't seen in a while. Some of them I haven't seen in over a year! It was initially going be a night out and get together with an American friend some of us had met travelling but she had to cancel. Seeing as I'd already got the days off work I decided to go to Birmingham anyway. I'm so glad I did as it was so good to catch up with everyone and also to have a night out!

Dinner at Sketch London



How to stay in luxury accommodation for less in Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
We all need a treat from time to time right? After many nights in hostel rooms or very run down guesthouses I was excited to get to Kuala Lumpur. Why? Because we had an apartment booked for our visit. And obviously because I was ready to explore the city! 

Accommodation costs can add up A LOT. Especially when you're on a multi destination trip that spans a few months. I used to hate staying in hostels. I no longer hate it. Hostels have their pros and cons but I'm more than happy to share a room with strangers to save some money. 

But like I said everyone likes a treat. I had a bucket list containing various places and things I wanted to do while I was in Asia but I also had a different bucket list. An accommodation one.

Most places I chose cheap and cheerful. However, Kuala Lumpur was one of the places I knew I wanted to have a treat. Plus the hostel I wanted to stay in was nearly as much as the apartment so it would of been rude not to make the most of more luxurious accommodation for less. 

flash packing in Kuala Lumpur


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