
A Quick Catch Up

I'm finally back to blogging after not blogging since September! The main reason for my absence was starting university, it took me a while to settle in and once I was settled I wasn't really sure whether I still wanted to blog partly because I felt I couldn't really take good pictures as my room was very dark and partly because I didn't want people from university finding the blog but now that doesn't matter so much as I have now told some of my closer friends.

During my exam season at uni I started to miss blogging and so decided that once my first year was over that I will start again. So here I am, hopefully  I'll be blogging a lot more from now on. I'm also thinking about doing a couple of posts about university and my experience so far which may help others who are considering going off to uni or are starting in September.

I feel like this summer is going to go really quick I've already had about three weeks off and all I seem to have done is play Sims and watch TV, surprisingly I've got quite into the world cup, I never normally watch football but I've found myself watching most of the games this past weekend. I have no real plans for summer, I am on the look out for a job for some extra money but if not I'll probably just end up spending the summer reading all the books I never had time to read whilst at uni!


Have you finished for summer yet? What are your summer plans?

Sophie x


Trip to London

Recently my friends and I went on a mini break to London in late June and I thought I would share a couple of photos of what we got up too. This post was meant to go up nearer the time that we went but I never got round to sorting it out, but better late than never.

Four days in London

On the first day we headed towards M and M world as none of us had been, in all honesty none of us thought it was that great but it was still fun to explore.

We then visited Trafalgar Square which we all really enjoyed, it was nice to just be able to sit and relax

The Second day we decided to visit Buckingham Palace as not all of us had been there before, it was very busy but was still worth doing.  

The rest of day two and some of day three weren't quite so fun , I ended up getting ill while we were in Primark Oxford Street which wasn't fun so we headed back to our hotel early. The next morning was spent in the hotel room, my friends were great at looking after me though and even danced a Gangham Style to cheer me up, I won't insert the video as they probably would never talk to me again.

We did however go to the theatre to watch Mamma Mia in the evening as I refused to miss out on going and felt a lot better by the afternoon. On the way to the theatre we popped into Boots to do some shopping and somehow lost track of time so had to rush to the theatre and run up the stairs, we were in the balcony area so there were a lot of stairs! But we made it and thoroughly enjoyed the show so I would definitely recommend it to you all.

So all in all we had a lovely time and hopefully will be able to go on another mini break next summer minus the being ill part!

Have you been anywhere exciting this summer? I'd love to read about any holidays if you have done a blogpost on them.

Sophie x


Room Tour

So this is a post I like to read as I love being nosy so I thought I would do one myself. I did do a post that was sort of a room tour way back when I first started blogging but it didn't show everything and I have some new bits and bobs. I am happy with my room but its not perfect just yet.

My exams finish next week (yay) so I should be posting more regularly.

Sophie x

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