
Three days in Vienna | A Photo Diary

Vienna, Austria
Vienna was my last stop in Austria before heading to Bratislava . I spent three nights in there and managed to see a lot. I found the city quite big and never quite knew where I was in comparison to other places. I have to say out of the three places I visited in Austria (the others being Salzburg and Hallstatt) Vienna was my least favourite. That's not to say it didn't have it's good points. There was definitely plenty of places to explore and we had good weather during our visit.

Arriving in Vienna

We got the train from Hallstatt into Vienna and arrived in the afternoon. We then got the metro to our hostel (Wombats Hostel) which was on the outskirts of the city. Part of me wishes we'd chosen somewhere more central but the hostels in Vienna were pretty pricy.

The hostel was only a short walk from the metro station, we checked in and headed to our room, which we'd soon find out wasn't supposed to be our room at all! We headed to get some dinner and settled for a restaurant nearby for the sake of convenience.

We headed back to the hostel and before heading down to the hostel bar where we got a free drink each. We managed to persuade some other people from the hostel to come out and where meeting our friend who was also travelling at the club. The night out was really good and better than what I was expecting. We didn't get into bed until after 6 am! 


Visiting Borobudur at sunrise: tips and is it really worth it?

Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The Borobudur temple, located in Yogyakarta, is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world. This title means it's rather popular with both visitors and locals. I've been lucky enough to visit twice, once in 2015 and once this year whilst travelling around Asia. I can't remember many of the details from my first trip so this post will mainly be focused on my second.

I've now experienced both a proper sunrise and one that really couldn't be described as a sunrise as there was no actual sun! Seeing as I've done both I thought I'd write up a post about my visit and whether it's worth visiting for sunrise. Whether the 3 am wake up call is worth it if you don't actually get a sunrise. 

Buddha, Borobudur Temple



In retrospect: 101 in 1001 days

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Way back in 2014, the 20th of July if we're being precise, I made a 101 in 1001 days list. Incase you don't know what ones of these lists is, its a list of 101 things you want to do or achieve in the 1001 days. You can pick anything you want. I sorted my list into categories to make it a bit easier to read. I'm not going to rewrite all of my list in this post but feel free to check it out. Instead, I thought I'd write about and reflect upon some of the key things I managed to tick off and some of the ones that I never got round to doing.


Seeing as this is the first category in my list it seemed like the perfect place to start my review. I am not a health freak nor do I love exercise. In fact, I suck at keeping fit which is one of the reasons I chose this as a category. I have to say I didn't tick off as many things in this category as I would have liked.

I did manage to go without chocolate for a week and have since also gone without. A big success for a chocoholic. 

Going to the gym also got ticked off, although 'going to the gym' equates to about six trips so not that great...

There was a lot I didn't do in this category. The yoga class never happened. Nor did the 30 day squat challenge. I think I managed a two day squat challenge. 

Oh and I never got round to going for that run. 

But I'm even more motivated to improve my fitness now I've looked back and realised how terribly I did in this category. Hopefully, I'll tick some of these off in the future!

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