
How to plan a day trip to Mingun from Mandalay | Myanmar

Pahtodawgyi Pagoda MandalayWhen researching what to do in Mandalay a place was mentioned a lot. I researched it some more and the pictures alone were enough to add the ancient capital (one of four surrounding Mandalay) to my must visit list.

My next point of call was figuring out how to get there, it's outside of the main city along the Ayeyarwaddy river. It took me a while to find all the information I needed. A lot of websites were offering me a tour or a combined tour which was something I didn't want to do. I like to try and do things myself if possible to make the day cheaper. Seeing as I struggled to find information I thought I'd put together a blog post about my day in Mingun including all the information you need to know for your own visit! 


In a Nutshell: August

August flowers

My 'In a Nutshell' posts are back. The absence of these posts was intentional but was because of my trip to Asia. I decided not to blog whilst travelling but, instead, scheduled various posts to go up while I was away. However, these sort of posts can't be pre planned like that, I can't write about what I did in June if June hasn't even happened yet!

My trip was amazing but I won't go into detail about it in this post; this post is about August and sadly my trip was already finished by then!


1.  I went back to work

When I left in April to go travelling I wasn't expecting to be going back, I'd handed in my resignation and accepted the fact that I'd need to sort out another job when I got back. Luckily, my boss wanted me back. I'm only working in a coffee shop but it's something and it was nice to be asked back. I had four days to get over the jet lag, daydream about the sun and cry because I was back in England before I started working again.

2.  I met up with friends

Travelling for four months meant that I hadn't seen my friends in a while. Especially as it had already been a couple of months before I'd even gone travelling. One of my closest friends lives in Manchester so I headed there for a weekend. My other friend lives in my home town like me so we met for brunch. It was great to see them both again, although I still don't feel like I've had a proper catch up with them yet! 

Roast dinner Albert Schloss Manchester

A weekend in Manchester

cocktails at Albert Schloss Manchester

  3.  I had a massive sort out

This seems to be a recurring activity, as soon as I'm back from a trip I sort my whole bedroom out and get rid everything I no longer want (or the things that no longer fit me!). 

4.  I started blogging again!

The decline in blog posts was an intentional break but not because I'd fallen out of love with blogging. Rather because I just couldn't commit to blogging whilst travelling. I didn't want to take my laptop with me and knew the quality of my posts just wouldn't be the same. So many people choose to blog as they travel but I didn't think it would work for me for that specific trip. Anyway, after nearly a month of being back in the UK, I'm back. It took me a while to settle back into life at home but I'm excited to blog about all the places I visited. 


Pink flowers

1. Read three books 

My love of reading has dwindled recently. In fact I didn't manage to finish a single book whilst in Asia. Shocking I know. Since returning from my trip I've been trying to read more. I don't want to force myself but as soon as I find a good book then I'm fine it's just getting into the book. If I get bored I find t hard to persevere. 

I've managed to read two books during August and have picked up some more from a charity shop which will hopefully be good! 

2. Exercise 

I probably sound like a broken record because I'm pretty sure this always appears as a goal in my summary posts. Well, here it is again. Let's just leave the goal as exercise and see what happens.

3. Decide what's next 

This sounds dramatic. It's not as dramatic as it sounds. I'm currently in limbo. Although I'm back at work it's not somewhere I want to work in the long term. I'm thinking about teaching abroad and need to look at this properly and decide whether I'm going to take the plunge and go for it or choose a different route. 


So there you have it, my very short August in a nutshell. My September post will hopefully be a bit more exciting,  especially as I'm off to Madrid for a weekend break with some uni friends!

What did you get up to in August? 


Pin for later! 


Salzburg Photo Diary

Salzburg, Austria

I usually make travel posts more informative, I do a 10 things to do or a how to spend three days, however, for Salzburg I decided to make the post a bit more personal and diary like. Partly because I thought I'd switch things up but mostly because I don't feel I explored Salzburg enough to be able to write a 'here's what you should do' type post.

After saying goodbye to the beautiful Lake Bled we hopped on a train to Salzburg. The first of our three stops in Austria. 

We spent three days in Salzburg. From the little research I had done beforehand it seemed like there was a lot to see. Having now visited I think we could of spent less time there but we did skip things like the Sound of Music tour which is probably one of the main attractions! 

Views of Salzburg

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