
In a nutshell: January

You may have noticed that I began doing monthly goal posts, I wrote one for November and then December but never got round to doing one for January. I was also doing separate posts about whether I'd met any of these goals. I enjoyed writing these posts but decided to do it slightly differently this year (it still sounds weird referring to a new year, it's too soon to call 2016 last year!). Instead, I want to do a post that combines these goals, as well as a reflecting upon the goals from the previous month and a brief summary of what I got up to in that month. I guess this makes the post more than just the month 'in a nutshell' but the posts will most likely vary in length depending on how exciting the months been.

So here's to my first 'in a nutshell post'. Also I apologise if anyone already has a series on their blog called this. I haven't intentionally copied anyone I just wanted something different than 'summary' or 'reflection' so came up with this! 

Seeing as I didn't set myself any goals for January I can't reflect on any so I'm moving straight on to setting some goals for February.

February Goals

1. Interact more

I wrote about this in my 2017 goals post, so far I've been slacking on this. I need to take more time out to actually talk to people on twitter and comment on posts I read.

2. Finish my TEFL course

I'm currently completing the 120 hour online course. I've working my way through the assignments and really want to get it done by the end of February so I can put my focus on travel plans and blogging which are currently taking a bit of a back seat.

3. Read a book 

Another thing I've been slacking with this year. I haven't even made it half way through a book yet! In fact, I gave up reading one book and started another. I'm hoping this one will be one I can get into and enjoy.

January Round up

January has been quite a slow month. I always found January a weird month, after the excitement of Christmas and New Year January always seems a bit bare and cold (literally and metaphorically!). Even work has been very quiet. I work in a coffee shop and a lot of the days I've cleaned the kitchen about five times because there's been hardly any customers!

One good thing that's happened this month is that we got an exercise bike and I'm actually using it. I'm so bad at exercising, you may be aware of this as I kept adding it as a monthly goal and then failing miserably. However, now I can exercise without leaving the house! I can't really afford a gym membership at the moment and even when I had one my motivation to get to the gym was always lacking. Now it so much quicker to workout, I can cut the journey to and from the gym and just put on my gym gear and walk downstairs.

January was also quite a social month. I was able to see some of school friends, some who I haven't seen in about six months. I also visited one of my uni best friends to do some travel planning and say goodbye before she heads off to Hong Kong for six weeks.

I've had a bit of a blogging slump the past week or so. I felt pretty unmotivated and like I wasn't making much progress. However, I checked my DA today and it's finally gone up. After being stuck on 1 it's gone up to 10! I know numbers aren't everything but this was just what I needed to get my motivation back as I feel like I am doing something right!

Have you set yourself any goals for February? How was your January?


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